Thursday, March 25, 2010

NetSpend’s Prepaid Cards are good for a Variety of Users

Ultimately, almost everyone can benefit from using a NetSpend prepaid card, but there are certain advantages that make them optimal for specific needs. There a several groups of people who’s financial and personal needs make them perfect candidates for a Net Spend prepaid card. If your answer is yes to any of the questions below, then prepaid cards may be a great solution for your financial needs.

• Bad Credit History?

No problem. One of the biggest advantages of using a NetSpend prepaid card is that anyone can get one, whether their credit has been previously damaged or not. For a lot of people, bad credit is a reality and a Net Spend prepaid card can be an excellent financing option for them. Credit card companies will deny a majority of people with bad credit and many banks require credit checks now even when opening up a bank account for the first time. Why not bypass all this and still enjoy many of the same benefits? (i.e. direct deposits, balance checks and transfers, and online purchases).

• Don’t want a Bank Account?

A lot of people these days don’t want to keep their money in a bank and incur all the associated costs and fees to maintain the account. Banks change account plans and have stipulations buried within their contracts. With a NetSpend prepaid visa card, there are no hidden fees and no interest charges. You’ll always know where you money is located and you won’t have to worry about overdraft fees; you can only spend the money loaded onto the card. You can check your balance 24/7 online, via text, or with a customer service representative, so there are never any surprises when it comes to your money. Net Spend prepaid cards offer many of the same benefits of a traditional bank account, without any of the associated fees.

• Don’t want a Credit Card?

The routine of swiping a credit card carelessly can be extremely detrimental. This fast paced world filled with enticing credit card offers has millions of people in debt. Because of this, many people are trying to be more cautious about their daily spending and avoid the attitude of, “buy now, pay later.” With a NetSpend prepaid card, the money on the card is your hard earned money and can’t spend outside of your means. A Net Spend prepaid card allows you to enjoy the benefits of plastic, i.e. getting money from ATMs and making purchases anywhere, but without going into debt.

If your answers to any of the questions above are yes, a NetSpend prepaid card may be the perfect solution for you. And remember, these are just a few of the long list of reasons to use a Net Spend prepaid card. Do your research and find the finance option that works best for you. Prepaid cards are a great alternative to the standards.

How to Budget for a Vacation: NetSpend’s Prepaid Cards & Other Tips

Everybody needs a little vacation at some point. It’s hard enough to find the time to go and even then, many people are worried about the associated costs. But vacations should be relaxing, not stressful. With the right planning, you can make it just so.

When you’re thinking about going on a vacation, choosing your destination is the first step to take. Consider the time of year and where you want to go. If it is peak season for beaches, costs will typically be higher. Compare your options with different dates and do some pricing to see when the most reasonable time would be. This also applies to airfare. Different days of the week will cost more, as will holidays. Planning this far enough in advance will save you money, as prices generally rise closer to the date; this will also give you more time to save up for your trip.

When going on a trip you shouldn’t have to worry about money the whole time you are there. In order to avoid this, consider using a NetSpend prepaid card. NetSpend Prepaid cards are a great way to keep yourself on budget. Decide how much you intend to spend during your vacation and put that amount on the prepaid card. Include the amount of the costs you already know are set, such as transportation and lodging. Past that, estimate additional costs on the higher end and place that total amount on the card – then you will be set. On vacation, it’s very easy for people to overdraft from their bank account and be charged, or spend way too much on their credit card. Opting for a NetSpend prepaid card ensures that you will stay on budget throughout your entire trip. Additionally, Net Spend’s prepaid cards can be used at any ATM where Visa or MasterCards are accepted, making them a safe and secure way to travel without having to carry cash.

When the time finally arrives for your trip, you can relax knowing that you have the money for your expenditures already set aside on the Net Spend prepaid card. You can use your NetSpend prepaid card as soon as you arrive, or pay in advance online for some things like your car rental and hotel room. Another added bonus is you can leave your credit cards safely at home and you only have to carry this one card with you everywhere you go. Also, in the event that it should be lost or stolen, you can always immediately cancel it.

If you want to know how much is left on your Net Spend card, there are multiple ways to check your balance. If you have access to the internet, you check your balance 24/7 at You can also check it by text message, phone call, or at ATMs. Check your balance as much as you want, so you can alleviate your worries.

Whether your vacation is across the world, or just a few hours down the road; using a NetSpend prepaid card will give you the ease and convenience you need. Net Spend prepaid cards help you set a budget and stick to it, avoiding the regret of spending too much while you are on vacation.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Send Your Kids Off to College with a NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card

Parents sending their teenagers off to college already have a million things on their mind that they have to get taken care of; why not let the financial part be a breeze? NetSpend prepaid debit cards are a great tool to help you easily send money to your child while they are off at school, plus they can help teach your child how to better manage their finances. Outlined below are just a few of the many reasons a NetSpend prepaid card is a great idea for any child going off to college.

• Global Access

Whether you’re sending your teenager off to college 20 miles away or across the country, a NetSpend prepaid card is useable anywhere Visa or MasterCards are accepted. Additionally, students can use the NetSpend prepaid card to take money out of any ATM worldwide, and make purchases online. With the convenience and ease of money transfers, these cards are perfect for students and parents alike. Students can pay for rent or bills online, buy books, or a million other things easily and securely.

• Control Over Finances

Sending your child off to school with a Net Spend prepaid card is a great way to make sure you’re in primary control over their finances, while instilling in them the responsibility they’ll need to manage their own money. Additionally, unlike traditional bank accounts, NetSpend prepaid cards come with no overdraft fees, and unlike credit cards, you won’t be sinking yourself further into debt. NetSpend’s prepaid cards are a good way to teach your kids how to manage their money instead of just giving them a credit card where the attitude of “buy now, pay later” can be hazardous to their financial success in the long run.

• Security

There can be a lot for parents to be concerned about when sending their child off to college but their finances don’t have to be one of them. NetSpend prepaid cards have the added benefit of being highly secure in a number of ways: they are safer than carrying cash, secure for online purchases, and FDIC insured. Funds can easily and securely be transferred to the prepaid card online at any time, and all purchases and deposits on the card can be checked 24/7.

Overall, NetSpend prepaid cards will give your child access to make purchases anywhere in the world, with the control and safety they need. Not only are NetSpend’s prepaid debit cards an excellent way to teach your child money management, they also a great tool for parents to easily transfer and track funds.

How to Reduce Your Online Shopping Risks: NetSpend’s Prepaid Debit Cards & Other Tips

In this day and age, technology advancements continue to drive many aspects of our culture. At the forefront of these advancements is the internet, and with that, the appeal of online shopping. The allure of being able to shop from virtually anywhere - your home, office, or even at a coffee shop, has many businesses making the switch from traditional brick and mortar stores to websites. While the ease and comfort of being able to buy almost anything you want, from anywhere you want, can be very luring, it’s important to be aware of the risks of online shopping. Many website owners have put in place secure measures in order to better guarantee the safety of financial and personal information. However, below are some tips to pay attention to when buying things online.

• Make sure the Website is Secure:
If a website is secure, the URL address will begin with “https” - the “s” standing for secure. Additionally, many websites will feature a padlock icon at the bottom of the page. Not every page of a site will be https secure, however, the pages in the shopping cart process where any financial and personal information are required should be secured. Double check the next time you make a purchase online. Additionally, avoid saving all your proprietary information to any online profile. Many times, websites will ask if you want to save this information for the next time you shop on their site. While it may be a time saver, its best practice to keep these records offline.

•Choose a Reputable Business:
The internet has vastly changed the playing field in regards to business reputations. Nowadays, you can Google any company name and find a wealth of information on their company practice and services/products. Additionally, online reviews and forums are another great place to glean information regarding the credibility of a company. Check the Better Business Bureau information on the organization as well if possible.

• Use a NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card:

Instead of using a credit card or debit card attached to all your bank account information, consider buying a NetSpend prepaid debit card to make transactions a little safer. A prepaid visa card from can be used virtually anywhere online, as well as with PayPal transactions. NetSpend prepaid cards are a great substitution because even if they do get hacked, the finances on the card should be minimal when compared to a credit card or debit card attached to your bank account (where the majority of your finances reside). Additionally, you can track all the card activity online at, report any suspicious activity, and cancel the card very quickly.

While shopping online can be a luxury, remember that with new technology come new rules. Using the tips above should help your feel more comfortable making online purchases. After all, the convenience of shopping from your bedroom is unparalleled.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Exercise Financial Responsibility with NetSpend’s Prepaid Cards: The Top 3 Reasons they may work for You

With the economy still in the midst of a recession, financial responsibility has become apparent and a necessity for us all. With the myriad of options for loans and credit cards, consumers’ “buy now, pay later” attitudes are at an all time high. It’s this lack of planning that has many people not only even further in debt during the recession, but also with a low chance that they will be able to pay off their debt in a timely manner, before it accrues unthinkable interest. If you are looking for ways to better manage your finances, be it because of debt or simply personal interest, consider NetSpend prepaid cards.

3.) No Bank Account Necessary
It’s hard to exercise financial responsibility when you’re already in debt; however, Net Spend’s prepaid cards give everyone the option of having a second chance. Since bank accounts and credit checks aren’t necessary, you can quickly and easily get back on the road to financial management. Unlike with credit cards, where if you’ve made mistakes you’re likely still paying for them – Net Spend’s prepaid cards offer an alternate route.

2.) Online Use & Visibility
With Net Spend’s prepaid cards, you can clearly manage your finances online and reference any purchases you’ve made 24/7. Credit cards offer this feature too, except after you’ve spent the money, you’ll need to come up with a payment plan to pay the bank back. According to an MSN article titled, “The truth about credit card debt,” the average American carries more than $8,000 in credit card debt. That statistic is frightening, but to be expected, when credit cards allow people to spend money they don’t have, a fundamental flaw if you want to manage your finances properly.

1.) You Can Only Spend the Money You Have
It’s one thing to have an attitude of “buy now, pay later” when it comes to spending money but if you have no idea how to manage your finances and payment plans in the first place, this can snowball into some major debt. Regardless of your current financial situation, NetSpend prepaid cards will help change your attitude to the more optimal “spend what you earn.” This mind set should be at the forefront of anyone trying to better manage their finances. Net Spend’s prepaid cards force people to set reasonable goals and expectations about money – which is a fundamental part of making financial decisions.

NetSpend’s prepaid cards give consumers the security and knowledge they need to better manage their finances. They require that people spend only the money they have, and make personal decisions in regards to purchases and buying habits. Try it for yourself. Obtaining a NetSpend prepaid card is fairly quick and easy. Put a monthly budget on the card, don’t debate purchasing things you don’t really have the money for, and manage your finances in a way that works for you and still keeps you out of debt.

Credit Cards Users’ Spending Habits are quickly changing in this economy

With the economy still in a deep recession, consumers are changing their buying habits. Not only are people spending less, they are evaluating their purchases a little more thoroughly and only buying necessities. Just a few years ago, the percentage of credit card users was continually growing, however, due to an increase in fees and the economy, the percentage of users has experienced a drastic drop off. While the percentage of credit card users decline, prepaid debit card companies like NetSpend Corporation are becoming fiercely competitive as an alternate option to spend money and manage finances.

According to the Federal Reserve, “consumer credit card spending suffered its biggest decline in more than 30 years in February 2009.” Their report further concluded that, “revolving credit declined by 9.17 percent which is the biggest drop since January 1978.”At a time in the economy when consumers are tightening their belts and being laid off, purchasing items on credit has lost a lot of its appeal. Dennis Moroney, a research director from TowerGroup, confirms that consumers’ spending habits have drastically changed stating that “people are fearful” and “you don’t see them in the shopping center buying big screen TVs.” Instead, they are likely to be saving money and paying off any loans accruing interest in order to stay financially strong in this recession.

Peoples’ spending habits aren’t the only thing changing either. Credit card companies are lowering their limits and enforcing stricter rules. In anticipation of the CARD credit card reform act and according to an article recently published by the Consumerist, some credit card companies have begun to reduce grace periods, cut credit lines, increase fees on balance transfers to 5%, and increase minimum payments and APR. These are big changes a lot of credit card users may not even be aware of yet, and after they are, they may consider changing their means of spending on an even greater scale.

Of course, as credit cards users are declining, people are choosing a better way to spend and manage their finances with prepaid debit cards provided by companies like NetSpend. Due to massive loans and credit card debt, many people have ruined their credit – prepaid cards offer them another option, as no credit checks or bank accounts are necessary in order to obtain one. NetSpend’s prepaid cards also give users the added benefits of being able to make purchases worldwide and online, allow them to be in control of their money with no fees and no debt, and allow them added security as carrying prepaid cards are much safer than carrying cash.

It’s plain to see that in this economy people are focusing on how to better manage their finances as consumers lose their jobs, deplete their unemployment, and use up their savings. The overwhelming amount of debt accrued by many credit card users wasn’t an issue until people realized they may not be able to make their payments after unexpected losses in their personal income. Stay out of debt and start managing your finances better with a NetSpend prepaid debit card today!’s Prepaid Debit Cards as an Alternative to Bank Accounts

Many people would assume that having a prepaid debit card is similar to having a bank account with a debit card tied to it. However, these finance options are vastly different. While the majority of the population does have a bank account, few people realize all the added benefits of using a prepaid card instead. NetSpend’s prepaid debit cards provide worldwide financial access and user control. These benefits and others will be discussed more in-depth below.

One thing that can make opening a bank account difficult are the high minimums required to open a new account. This is not so with Net Spend’s prepaid debit cards. Deposit amounts can be chosen by the user and there is no minimum balance to worry about. Additionally, selecting which type of bank account is right for you can be difficult as well. There are various account options all with their own fine print, not to mention the fact that there are often strict rules about usage depending on the type of account you choose. Net Spend’s prepaid debit cards avoid all of this, and make managing and accessing your money easy and convenient.

Using a NetSpend prepaid debit card is a great alternative to a bank account as they allow users to withdraw cash at ATMs and make purchases worldwide. Also, these prepaid debit cards allow users to view spending and add additional funds online at, making the process simple and quick. One of the biggest advantages of a Net Spend prepaid debit card over a bank account is the inability to overdraft and incur fees. Spending is entirely defined by the amount loaded on the card. This allows you to have complete control over your spending and put your own personal limits on it.

Direct deposit is another common feature of bank accounts where paychecks can be automatically deposited each month. NetSpend’s prepaid cards also have this option available, which gives users access to their funds immediately. Another option both bank accounts and prepaid cards have in common are transfers between accounts. Just as you can transfer money between bank accounts, you can transfer it between NetSpend prepaid cards. Users of these prepaid cards also have the option to put some of their money into a savings account, just as they could with a bank. These savings accounts offer a 5% annual percentage yield interest rate, a comparable rate to those available with a typical bank savings account.

A NetSpend prepaid debit card has many of the conveniences of a traditional bank account without any of the hassles or fees. Prepaid cards are a great way to have easy and safe access to your money.