Friday, March 19, 2010

Exercise Financial Responsibility with NetSpend’s Prepaid Cards: The Top 3 Reasons they may work for You

With the economy still in the midst of a recession, financial responsibility has become apparent and a necessity for us all. With the myriad of options for loans and credit cards, consumers’ “buy now, pay later” attitudes are at an all time high. It’s this lack of planning that has many people not only even further in debt during the recession, but also with a low chance that they will be able to pay off their debt in a timely manner, before it accrues unthinkable interest. If you are looking for ways to better manage your finances, be it because of debt or simply personal interest, consider NetSpend prepaid cards.

3.) No Bank Account Necessary
It’s hard to exercise financial responsibility when you’re already in debt; however, Net Spend’s prepaid cards give everyone the option of having a second chance. Since bank accounts and credit checks aren’t necessary, you can quickly and easily get back on the road to financial management. Unlike with credit cards, where if you’ve made mistakes you’re likely still paying for them – Net Spend’s prepaid cards offer an alternate route.

2.) Online Use & Visibility
With Net Spend’s prepaid cards, you can clearly manage your finances online and reference any purchases you’ve made 24/7. Credit cards offer this feature too, except after you’ve spent the money, you’ll need to come up with a payment plan to pay the bank back. According to an MSN article titled, “The truth about credit card debt,” the average American carries more than $8,000 in credit card debt. That statistic is frightening, but to be expected, when credit cards allow people to spend money they don’t have, a fundamental flaw if you want to manage your finances properly.

1.) You Can Only Spend the Money You Have
It’s one thing to have an attitude of “buy now, pay later” when it comes to spending money but if you have no idea how to manage your finances and payment plans in the first place, this can snowball into some major debt. Regardless of your current financial situation, NetSpend prepaid cards will help change your attitude to the more optimal “spend what you earn.” This mind set should be at the forefront of anyone trying to better manage their finances. Net Spend’s prepaid cards force people to set reasonable goals and expectations about money – which is a fundamental part of making financial decisions.

NetSpend’s prepaid cards give consumers the security and knowledge they need to better manage their finances. They require that people spend only the money they have, and make personal decisions in regards to purchases and buying habits. Try it for yourself. Obtaining a NetSpend prepaid card is fairly quick and easy. Put a monthly budget on the card, don’t debate purchasing things you don’t really have the money for, and manage your finances in a way that works for you and still keeps you out of debt.